Thought in itself is fleeting and unstable. Meditation is the tool to calm the mind and stabilize thought. “Mind is the builder, physical is the result.” says Edgar Cayce and many others. While this is true we must remember, as people learning how to use this tool, that building on a fleeting, unstable thought gives way to a fleeting, unstable physical result. 

Our tool to help focus the thought is twofold: imagination gives form and strength to a captured thought kernel; through imagination the mind focuses and the universe starts to coalesce, to the degree of the focus and associated feeling. The second part is feeling grateful, confident and happy about your imagined creation as this increases the positive focus and sends a clear message to the universe giving it no choice but to respond in a like positive manner. 

So while “Mind is the builder, physical is the result.” is a short way to say it, fleeting thought captured and imagined in pure positive form with gratefulness and positive energy, creates a strong will to be and a physical step toward what you want. 

Be resolute and do not waver in your focused will and action. The universe will respond in a like manner.